

Weight Loss located in the Tacoma Area, Lakewood, WA


About Telehealth

Telehealth is a secure and convenient tool that allows you to get the personalized care you deserve from the comfort of your home. With telehealth, weight loss specialists at the The Weight Change clinic provides services like nutrition support, lifestyle management recommendations, weight loss medication consultation for semaglutide and tirzepatide, and other essential weight management services at The Weight Change Clinic in Lakewood, Washington. Call today or use the online booking tool to schedule an appointment.

Telehealth Q&A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is a remote form of health care that allows you to connect with your provider from home. Secure messaging, phone consultations, and video calls remove many barriers of traditional in-office visits, like travel time and logistical challenges. 


This digital approach offers the flexibility to engage with your provider on your terms, fostering a more accessible and convenient avenue for receiving personalized medical advice.


You can discuss your weight management needs and goals in a setting where you feel comfortable, ensuring consistent support — all from the comfort and convenience of your home.

How can telehealth benefit weight management?

Telehealth is a valuable tool that offers many benefits for sustainable weight management, including the following:

Remote consultations

Telehealth lets you connect with your provider from anywhere, ensuring regular check-ins and personalized guidance for your weight management journey.

Nutritional Support

Virtual sessions offer expert advice and support for your dietary needs and weight-related goals as part of your telehealth experience.

Scheduling flexibility

Telehealth provides the freedom to schedule appointments at times convenient for you, promoting better adherence to your weight management plan.

Fewer barriers to care

By eliminating obstacles like travel time and logistical challenges, telehealth makes health care more accessible, reducing disruptions to your routine.

Remote monitoring

Your provider can remotely monitor your progress and make real-time adjustments to your weight management plan, ensuring continuous support through telehealth.

What can I expect from a telehealth weight management consultation?

You can expect a personalized and comprehensive experience tailored to your specific goals and health needs with telehealth consultations with The Weight Change Clinic. 


During your initial consultation, your provider assesses your current health, lifestyle, and dietary habits, collaborating with you to develop an effective weight management plan. 


You receive expert advice and strategies for healthy eating through telehealth vistis that include nutritional support. Together, you and your provider set realistic goals and establish a monitoring plan for tracking progress through virtual check-ins. 


Enjoy ongoing behavioral support to address any challenges related to habits, stress, or emotional factors affecting your weight management. With flexible scheduling, you can attend consultations and follow-ups at times that suit your lifestyle.


Call The Weight Change Clinic today or use the online booking tool to schedule a telehealth consultation.